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Portfolio Analytics
Portfolio Analytics is designed to provide detail and summary information about the user's portfolios and compare that information to the benchmark over a specified time period. This helps explain how the portfolio is different or similar to benchmarks and other portfolios.
Portfolio Analytics is a report generation program designed to:
Combine research information with client holdings to show your clients the reasons why you bought or sold specific companies in their portfolios
Compare key aggregated investment ratios such as Beta or P/E from client portfolios with other portfolios or benchmarks over time
Identify whether security selection or sector weightings are benefiting or hindering performance versus your benchmark
Track diversification over time for each characteristic in a client portfolio by item fractile
Perform style analysis
Enhance client and prospects communications
By using the following four reports, Portfolio Analytics provides detail and summary information about your portfolios, communicating key descriptive portfolio characteristic:
Portfolio Review: Lists market or fundamental data for each security, including portfolio-weighted, market and equal-weighted averages.
Diversification: Lists the percentage of a portfolio in each of a classification variable (i.e. industry group)
Aggregate: Lists the portfolio-weighted average of any market or fundamental variable.
Return Attribution: Analyzes which will decompose the performance difference (between a portfolio and a benchmark) and report how much of the performance was due to stock selection skill vs. strategic weighting decisions.
For a Trial, demonstration or product information, please Request Product Information
or call Tim Nyland, Director of Institutional Sales at 800-767-3771 x9455 or email at